Acupuncture is the Foundation of Kinnected Well-Being
A typical acupuncture session and what to expect.
Each session is designed to help you relax and be comfortable. Most sessions, for acupuncture, you will be either face up or face down on a table and sometimes sitting in a chair. The session generally takes 20 minutes once the needles are placed. It is best to wear loose, flexible clothing that allows mobility and easy access to acupuncture points and for the times we may do some AI Stretching.
What do we treat?
Acupuncture alone can address a wide array of health challenges. It can be used for many challenges both directly and indirectly. Addressing stress reactivity enhances the body’s ability to heal.
Kelly T. Carter, DAOM, LAc.
Kelly T. Carter, DAOM, LAc., CLP, AIST, has his Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, is a licensed acupuncturist (Louisiana), is a Certified LifeLine Practitioner, Certified Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) Therapist and a Tai Chi Master. Dr. Carter is also an avid, lifelong martial artist and athlete, he views his patients through the lenses of a doctor as well as understanding the challenges of an athlete. Although he does treat a wide array of health challenges, his unique perspective provides him with great empathy and insight into structural challenges, athletic injuries, performance and the emotional stress that can come with injuries and pain syndromes.
A native of Illinois and located in Los Angeles, CA. from 2002 to 2020, Dr. Carter’s practice has focused on structural challenges, athletic injuries, emotional disorders and aesthetic enhancement using AIS, LifeLine and Tai Chi.
He has worked within the film and entertainment industry with high profile actors, directors, producers and elite athletes.
Dr. Carter received his Doctorate from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (DAOM) in San Diego, CA in 2018. The DAOM is the highest-level degree offered in the United States in the field of Oriental Medicine. He also attained a Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Midwest College of Oriental Medicine in 1999 and received an advanced Oriental Medicine certificate from Guanzhou University in Guanzhou, China in 1997.
In addition, Dr. Carter studied under the late great Dr. Jon Sunderledge of Elgin, IL, his acupuncture mentor for more than 20 years. The late Dr. Sunderledge’s clinic was exceptionally successful, yielding not just the highest numbers of patients but also unusually successful results for many types of health challenges that were rare to hear about from acupuncture. Dr. Jon was an innovator of creative, modern acupuncture techniques, redefining the potential of acupuncture. Dr. Carter is proud to carry on Dr. Jon’s groundbreaking work along with his own innovations in acupuncture.
In private practice since 1992, Dr. Carter has worked with a wide array of health challenges with his clients. Dr. Carter draws on a wealth of experience to treat everything from male and female reproductive health, aesthetic health (acup-face lift and postural lift), symptoms associated with degenerative disease, to athletic and structural/postural challenges. He has studied with legends in the healthcare world compiling a unique combination of techniques to draw from his arsenal.
Dr. Carter currently teaches seminars focusing on “self-Care” methods such as Tai Chi and AI Stretching, to empower his patients to take responsibility for their personal health and well-being. Self-Care is an important component of the healing process. “The doctor is just the bridge to direct you toward optimal health”.
Offering a balanced approach to healthcare, Dr. Carter addresses the root cause of stress reactivity, mental-emotional, physical and chemical stress. He wrote his doctoral dissertation on “The Efficacy of Tai Chi for Treating Anxiety”. He addresses emotional challenges such a depression and anxiety and it’s physical manifestations. He had the opportunity to study with the late great Giovanni Maciocia, the most prolific academic author of East Asian medicine world-wide. Maciocia authored “Psyche in Chinese Medicine” and taught this subject in his DAOM program. Addressing the emotional root to disease is a priority in Dr. Carter’s practice.
Dr. Kelly Carter’s
Background Breakdown
- Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine – Pacific College of Oriental Medicine
- Master of Science in Oriental Medicine – Midwest College of Oriental Medicine
- Advanced Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Certificate – Guanzhou University, China
- Licensed Acupuncturist (Louisiana)
- Bachelor of Liberal Arts – Columbia College
- Certified Active Isolated Stretching & Strengthening (Mattes Method) – AIS Training Academy
- Certified LifeLine Practitioner – The LifeLine Technique Training Academy
- Master of Tai Chi/Chi Gung – Crossroads Academy
- Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – Street Sports BJJ, IBJJF
- 6th Degree Black Belt in Kenpo Karate
- 5th Degree Black Belt in Lasassious Do Ru
- Certified Olympic Weightlifting Coach
- Certified Kettle Bell Coach
- Certified Happy Body Coach
- Certified Athletic Trainer
- Public Speaker
- Producer of the Flexibility Program for the “Future Olympians” USA Wrestling Program
- Film Maker